
Application Process

Applicants should submit a completed application form including project details, budget, implementation programme etc. for approval. However, only direct expenditures for proposed projects will be approved.

Application Form

Enterprise should submit a completed ReTAAS application form with the required supporting documents, to the Secretariat by post, email or in person.

Sample Application Forms
Sample forms for common technology solutions:

Point-of-Sales System (POS)




Inventory System

Guide to Application

The Guide to Application provide comprehensive guidelines to applicants including general information, eligibility, funding amount, application and vetting procedures, project monitoring, disbursement of fund, enquiries and other relevant information.

Reminder of the Application Submission

A full set of completed application form together with valid supporting documents and a soft copy as required should be included in applicants’ submission. Any application with incomplete information (such as only soft copy or hard copy) will not be processed until the completed set of documents has been received. The Secretariat possesses the final decision right for any dispute cases, if any.

Application Timeline

Applicants can submit their applications throughout the year. Vetting Committee will vet the applications on a rolling basis throughout the year.

ReTAAS was closed for new application since 1st April 2021.

Project Agreement and Accounts

In respect of each approved project, the funded enterprise has to sign or submit the following documents:

  • sign a funding agreement with the Secretariat;
  • the applicant shall keep a proper and separate set of books and records for the project;
  • evidence showing that the grantee has duly paid up the matching fund;
  • submit completion report and audited accounts within two months after project completion or the date previously approved in writing by the Secretariat

Service Providers

For the avoidance of conflict of interest in engaging service provider(s) /consultant(s) /contractors(s) for implementing the projects, the applicant must not engage service providers /consultants /contractors which their owners, shareholders, management are the owners, shareholders, management or their relatives of the grantee enterprise.

*The Secretariat of ReTAAS has not appointed or endorsed any companies or organizations to provide services in relation to ReTAAS and all applications will be considered by the ReTAAS Vetting Committee based on its own merits.

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